B4X by Anywhere Software allowes you to write code only one time to develop powerful native apps for both, Android and iOS. Already this fact alone would mean an enormous time-saving. But the best are the numerous libraries, for e.g. acquisition, transmission, encryption and archiving of data, that makes the developing  much easier and faster. Klick on header for changing order, on library for documentation and on version for questions, tutorials or download. Type 1 means included as standard.

LibraryTypeVersionAuthorKeywords & notes
Core16,80StandardBasic keywords, DateTime, String, Service, Views, Timer, … (all basics) includes libraries as Collections,
Views16,80StandardUI controls (Core)
Drawing16,80StandardUI, Draw, Circle, Rect, Text, Path, Point, Bitmap, GetPixel (Core)
Constants16,80StandardColors, DialogResponse, Gravity, KeyCodes, Typeface (Core)
Files16,80Standarddata archiving (Core)
Media Player16,80StandardAudio, record, play, wave, mp3, midi, get and set play positions, volume, … (Core)
Regular Expressions26,80Standarddata processing, very powerful text parsing (Core)
JavaObject12,05Standarddirectly call Java APIs, similar to the purpose of Reflection library, in most cases simpler to use, but doesn't support all of ist features
GPS11,20StandardSystem, Sensors, GPS, Location, Sensor
Audio11,63StandardAudio, record, sensor
Network11,51Standarddata transfer, communication, TCP, UDP, Peer-To-Peer connections, Socket, ServerSocket, Listen, Connect, GetMyIP (Some newer implementations of network solutions should be based on AsyncStreams in the RandomAccessFile library.)
Net21,53Standarddata transfer, communication, FTP, SMTP, POP3, files and emails, regular and secured connections, replaces the FTP library
RandomAccessFile12,30Standarddata transfer, communication, AsyncStreams, serilisation, compression, encryption (see also AsyncStreams Tutorial)
Phone12,40StandardSystem, Sensors, Orientation, Accelerometer, Call, SMS, Email, Contacts, VoiceRecognition, Ringtone, KeepAlive, …
HTTP11,36Standarddata transfer, communication, as network communication can be slow and fragile this library handles the requests and responses in the background and raises events when a task is ready. Instead of using directly it is recommended to use the framework HttpUtils2.
HttpUtils212,01StandardClass module (framework) for HTTP (http servers), data transfer, communication (Now better use OkHttp and OkHttpUtils2!)
OkHttp11,20Standarddata transfer, communication, client, request, response, instead of using directly it is recommended to use the framework OkHttpUtils2
OkHttpUtils212,40StandardClass module (framework) for OkHttp, data transfer, communication, Best way for easy communication with web services, download, upload, request, response (see also Tutorial "OkHttpUtils2 with Wait For")
jMQTT21,00Standarddata transfer, communication, MQTT, TCP, IoT, hardware communication, chat (see also "MQTT Protocol" and "MQTT Chat Room")
jMqttBroker21,04Standarddata transfer, communication, MQTT broker, server
LiveWallpaper11,01StandardUI, Create your own live wallpapers.
CustomListView11,60StandardUI, an implementation of a list based on ScrollView.
IME11,10StandardUI, Includes several utilities that will you help you manage the soft keyboard. Android has very good support for custom input method editors (IMEs).
PreferenceActivity11,01StandardUI, Allows you to show the standard settings interface and provides an easy way to handle applications settings. Create the "standard" settings screen.
Administrator11,00StandardSystem, allows application to be registered as administrators, Manually lock the screen, Set the minimum password length and quality, …
B4XEncryption11,00Standarddata encryption, allows to encrypt or decrypt data using the AES encryption method.
SQL11,30Standarddata archiving, SQL, SQLite
DBUtils21,00StandardCode module to integrate SQLite databases
SQLCipher21,20Standardextension to SQL which supports encryption
XmlSax11,11Standarddata archiving, XML Sax Parser
JSON11,10Standarddata archiving, JSON format is a a format similar to XML but usually it is shorter and easier to parse.
Things21,01StandardHardware communication, GPIO, UartDevice, Serial communication, IoT, rasberry pi, The Things library provides access to hardware features of Android Things platforms.
Serial11,26StandardHardware communication, Serial, Bluetooth,
felUsbSerial21,10StandardHardware communication, IoT, alternative Usb Serial library
UsbSerial22,30StandardHardware communication, IoT, expanded version 2.0 of the original UsbSerial library
USB10,98StandardHardware communication, USB host, IoT
WifiDirect21,05StandardHardware communication, Wifi Direct allows you to connect two devices over wireless without an access point.
NFC12,01StandardSystem, Sensors, Reading NDEF data from NFC tags
Camera12,20StandardSystem, Sensors, Camera, allows you to access the device cameras. CameraEx extends the camera library functionality
GoogleMaps12,00Standardallows you to show maps from Google Maps service in your application
DateUtils21,05StandardCode module with a set of useful date and time related methods
GameView10,90StandardGames, Create 2D Android games, for new games it is recommended to use LibGDX.
SIP11,00StandardAudio, make audio calls using Voip (Voice over IP) services.
StringUtils11,12Standarddata processing, Collection of strings related functions. Loading and saving as csv files
ByteConverter11,10Standarddata processing, Byte arrays can be transformed to and from a hexadecimal string representation and Strings can be transformed to and from arrays of Bytes using specified encodings.
Basiclib21,30Standarddata processing, execute scripts written in the B4Script language
Printing21,00StandardOutput, Printing and Pdf creation
TTS11,00StandardOutput, synthesize and play text (VoiceRecognition with Phone library)
YouTube21,00Standardextern sevices, YouTubeStandalonePlayer, allows you to play YouTube videos inside your application
Facebook21,00Standardextern sevices, This library together with FirebaseAuth allows users to sign in to your app with a Facebook or Google account.
FirebaseAuth21,02Standardextern sevices, allows the users to sign in to your app with their Google account
Licensing21,21Standardextern sevices, Allows you to add protection to your application and check whether the user is allowed to access your application.
ContentResolver11,50Standardextern sevices, allows you to interact with other content providers
AudioRecord21,01Steve LamingAudio, record
AudioTrack21,02Steve LamingAudio, record
Reflection12,40Andrew GrahamAllows access to methods and fields of Android objects that are not exposed to the Basic4Android language. See also JavaObject library
Dialogs12,94Andrew GrahamUI, several dialogs by which the user can enter data.
Encryption11,10Andrew Grahamdata encryption, implements various encryption and encoding methods, see also B4XEncryption library
SVG21,50Andrew GrahamOutput, Drawing, Scalable Vector Graphics
EasyVideoPlayer21,60DonManfred (wrapper)Multimedia, a wrap for afollestad/easy-video-player on github.com
LibGDX20,91Frédéric Leneuf-MagaudGames, One of the best game engines for Android, for simple 2D games see also GameView library
Skype21,00NJDudeextern sevices, allow you to place Skype calls from your app.
MPAndroidCharts21,01Johan SchoemanUI, Various type of graphs / charts
LGauges22,00VampirbcnUI, Gauge for speed and other displays, graphics, also needs the library Base64Image